For help with Stop Smoking, anorexia, Stress, Anxiety, IBS, Confidence, Panic attacks, Public Speaking, Phobias, Insomnia, Nail Biting, Assertiveness, Compulsions, Blushing, Relaxation, Nervousness, Self Esteem, Weight loss, emotional and Relationship problems Depression, etc.
Plus many more conditions, please call for a FREE consultation so I can answer all your questions and explain how it works..
FREEPHONE 0800 015 8502 (24 hours)
or Standard rate 0845 3000 550 (24 hours)
or 07947 609970 (24 hours) for advice from a friendly caring fully qualified experienced, professional Hypnotherapist.
James Barugh, (Dip. Adv. Hyp.) NRAH GHR NLP
Member of the National Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists and a Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register with NLP.