James Barugh, EDA, NRAH, GHR, NLP. Specialising in Weight Loss.
Member of the Eating Disorders Asociation,
Member of the National Register of Advanced hypnotherapists
Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register
With a Diploma in Neuro-linguistic Programming
Having been on various courses for Eating Disorders with the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy
We all know dieting doesn`t work for long, most peoples weight goes up and down like a yo yo, and before they know where they are they`re back to square one. If diets worked you`d only need one.
Weight loss is a multi million pound industry.
Hypnotherapy makes it easy and changes the attitude in your mind to food. You start to see food for what it is. Its not for releiving stress, boredom or for comfort, its just energy for your body. In the same way you wouldn`t keep filling up your car with petrol when its full. You don`t need to keep filling up your body with food when its full.
So with Hypnotherapy we change your attitude to food. Its not about dieting, and there`s no need for willpower. A normal person with no weight problem gets a signal from the brain to stop eating when full. Most overweight people have lost that signal and maybe eating 25% more than is required, and this is stored on the body as extra weight. Hypnotherapy can help bring that signal back. We merely change your attitude to food so you simply eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full, and only eat to nourish your body and give you energy. and not overeat for emotional reasons such as stress relief, boredom, comfort, worry etc. So your weight starts to reduce naturally.
This new improved unique technique programe we use is individually tailor made for you and normally only 5 sessions are required
about one third of the clients I see for Weight loss are recommendations.
Michelle from Bracknell says,
My attitude to food has changed I no longer eat for the sake of it. I`ve lost 2 stone so easily thanks to James and Hypnotherapy, I can thoroughly reccomend this treatment to anyone, its changed my life.
Kathrine from Reading says,
Over the years I`ve strugled with differant diets, and my weight has gone up and down. Since seeing James in June for a course of treatment, I`ve lost nearly 3 stone.
Pat from Maidenhead
After seeing James in october, I`ve gone down from a size 16 to a size 12. It was so easy, my bigest problem was chocolate, I couldn`t leave it alone. Thats all in the past now, my attitude has changed, I hardly touch it, and feel so much better about life.
About one third of the people I see nowadays are recomendatios from previous clients that have lost weight using this new unique individually tailor made technique to help them achieve their desired weight. The cost of which can easily be recouped, by the money saving you make by eating less food. It could be one of the best investments you will ever make both financially and healthwise. So if you`d like more imformation or would like to make an appointment for a FREE consultation to answetr all your questions and explain how it works call now if you live in Berkshire
Freephone 0800 015 8502 (24 hours)
or Standard rate 0845 3000 550 (24 hours)
or Reading 01189 639302 (24 hours)
or Bracknell 01344 609020 (24 hours)
or Maidenhead 01628 439150 (24 hours)
or mobile 07947 609970 (24 hours)
or email please leave your tel. no. [email protected]
for a free no obligatrion consultation, so I can answer all your questions and explain how it works.
Also I`ve successfully helped people with bullimia and anorexia